Video Match Analysis & Report

Overview of our service

Our video match analysis provides a deep dive into the details of one of your competitive matches. Using our proprietary template for match analysis, we find data patterns and highlight areas of strength and weakness.

By breaking down the full video into highlights of short digestible clips representing specific repeated tactical errors or techinical breakdowns, we can present our findings in an easy to understand, and convincing manner. This is designed to be an informative tool for the student and their coach to help highlight major areas that need work.

We recommend submitting a recent 4 or 5 game match that was highly contested by both players, and ideally ended in a loss. This gives us the greatest opportunity to highlight areas of your game that are breaking down.

Detailed Report and Presentation of Findings

Upon completion of our analysis and video editing, we create a report that includes relevant match data, video analysis sections, and major talking points. We also include peronalized suggestions on specific ways to practice and work on the issues we raise.

With our coaching expertise, we zero in on two or three major issues, which we highlight in our report. Depending on the age and skill level of the player, these issues can range from glaring weaknesses, to subtle inefficiencies.

Included in our service is a 45 minute zoom conference call with the player, and/or their coach and parent. In this call, we discuss the findings, and review the video. The goal is to make sure the student gains understanding of exactly what each issue is, what’s causing the breakdown, and how they can instigate change to improve it.


The cost for the analysis, video editing, compiling of the report, and video conference with the findings is $750.

To submit your request for video analysis, please fill out the following form: